Restaurant & Bar

Mime o seu paladar no nosso restaurante. Solicite o que quiser e nossos chefs profissionais cozinharão para você. Desfrute da sua comida com uma vista maravilhosa da esplanada do restaurante.

Cozinha típica

The buffet breakfast is served in the lounge on the ground floor and also outside on our little patio.


Nossa escolha

Medium roast steakwith brokkoli

On the ground floor, apart from the reception, there is a comfortable lounge where you can sit and drink tea.

It is a small comfortable hotel. Our staff offers an attentive high-quality service and is always ready to offer any help to guests. There is an amazing fusion of calm and tranquility at hotel with hectic outside.

Horário de funcionamento

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Seg – Sex:

08:00 – 11:00
11:00 – 2:30
5:00 – 11:00

Sáb – Dom:

08:00 – 11:00
11:00 – 2:30
5:00 – 11:00